Kai Lenny © WSL/Morriss_MM
Austinmer, New South Wales – Dr Jon Cohen, representing Calm As… and Surfing Doctors has been invited to the Big Wave Risk Assessment Group (BWRAG) for their Level 1 and 2 Summit at Austinmer on 27-28 April 2019. The summit is hosted by Australian surfers Dan Ross and Zeb Walsh,and will be led by BWRAG instructor former Big Wave World Champion Greg Long.
Greg Long, Dungeons © Red Bull.
Dr Cohen is a long-term member of Surfing Doctors and is the founder of Calm As… first aid kits for surfers, which has started rolling out across Australia, and that came to the attention of the people at BWRAG, along with the Surfing Doctors presence.
Dr Cohen’s talk will consist of:
1) Top to toe – the first 5 minutes of any surf emergency (20 mins). Introduction to a trauma survey with introduction to:
– Minor head injury and concussion basics
– Spinal injury basics
– Chest and abdominal injuries
– Pelvic Fractures
– Long bone fractures and sprains – initial management
– Minor cuts to the face and limbs
2) Worst case scenario – how to save a life in a shark attack situation (15 mins)
3) Snake bite – basic principals of first aid (5 mins)
4) Shoulder relocation – how to identify and fix it in the jungle or bush (10 mins)
5) Q & A (10 mins)
Dr Cohen
“The guys from the Big Wave Risk Assessment group are definitely at the forefront of water safety, and it’s really cool that I got invited down to the Austinmer Summit to share some of my experiences in the surf medicine and emergency medicine fields with their participants,” said Dr Cohen. “Apart from being excited with the chance to share some of my experiences, I’m super excited to be able to learn from those guys about what they do in the water rescue, water safety and big wave fields.”
BWRAG Summit Location
Austinmer Surf Life Saving Club, Austinmer New South Wales
High Surf Risk Management, CPR/AED and medical intervention, floatation vest tutorials, spot analysis.
Level 2 participants will also undergo breath-hold/apnea training and in-water jetski rescue training.